€87,00 EUR

4 monthly payments

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Finnish MasterCourse for Intermediate 1 - 4 Monthly Payments

Start learning Finnish today and get instant access to your course!

What you'll get:

  • 75 video lessons in full HD
  • Total of 20+ hours of online video content
  • 69+ exercise sets
  • 75+ PDF summaries to download
  • Lifetime access to all course content, accessible at any time 
  • Access to a private community.
  • Access 24/7 to the Finnish Conversation Room
  • Access to optional Study Plans.
  • Daily support
  • Access on any device: PC, smartphone, or tablet
  • 14-day money-back guarantee, no questions asked. 

* The first payment will be processed immediately, the second payment after 30 days, the third payment after 60 days, and the last one after 90 days.

* You can use ANY currency. You don't need to have euros in your bank to complete the transaction; the system will automatically convert your currency into euros at the moment of the purchase.  

What People Are Saying:

Heidi’s kindness and personality shines through. You see the effort and her commitment. Doing online helps me repeat lessons and keep my own pace.


I like how clear cut they are, easy to understand, great exercises. I have found that my Finnish has improved a lot since taking the course.

David H.